Canadian Fiddle Music
by Ed Whitcomb
Composer listing

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Vol. 1 Tune Index ---------- | ---------- Vol. 2 Tune Index


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Complete listing of all 246 Composers listed in Both Vol. One and Vol. Two

  1. Acheson, Webb
  2. Andrews, Abbie
  3. Andrews, Bill
  4. Arbuckle, Bob
  5. Arcand, John
  6. Armitage, Bruce
  7. Arsenault, Eddy
  8. Bagnell, Dave
  9. Bailey, Gerald
  10. Barron, Myllie
  11. Bateman, Breanna,
  12. Beaton, Donald Angus
  13. Beaton, Elizabeth
  14. Beaton, Kinnon
  15. Beattie, Mac
  16. Beaudoin, Lucien
  17. Bedard, Mel
  18. Benoit, Emile
  19. Bernard, Noel
  20. Bernier, Dean
  21. Boston, Les
  22. Bourque, Jocyelyne
  23. Bouvette, Reg
  24. Brake Wilfred,
  25. Breiman, Dale
  26. Brisson, Denis
  27. Brogan, Mac
  28. Brooking, Les
  29. Browne, Leo
  30. Brundson, Don
  31. Bruner, Trent,
  32. Brunet, Andre
  33. Buchanan, Louis
  34. Bulmer, J. A.
  35. Buckler, Lawrence
  36. Cadman, Stephanie
  37. Campbell, Cathy
  38. Campbell, Sylvia
  39. Carnaghan, Gordie
  40. Carrier, Yvette
  41. Champion, Art
  42. Chapman, Jimmie
  43. Chernecki, Cam
  44. Cheverie, Gerard
  45. Cheyne, Norm
  46. Clark, Keitha
  47. Collie, Marilyn
  48. Coopersmith, Shelly
  49. Cranford, Paul
  50. Cuillerier, Yvon
  51. Curran, Patti
  52. Davidson, Ken
  53. Dawson, Carol
  54. Delorme, Bill
  55. Deziel,Marie
  56. Dorman, Roddy
  57. Dunlay, Kate
  58. Durning, Liz
  59. Durocher, J.
  60. Edmonds, Art
  61. Elliott, Carl
  62. Emerson, Bob
  63. Emerson, Duncan
  64. Encontre, Denis
  65. Favereau, Eric
  66. Fenton, Beth
  67. Fenton, Marty
  68. Forest, Richard
  69. Fowler, Joe
  70. Fisher, Ivan
  71. Gain, Ron
  72. Gillis, Wilfred
  73. Gitlitz, Paul
  74. Greenberg, David
  75. Grimard, Henri
  76. Grenier, Francine
  77. Guest, Bill
  78. Guillemette, Don
  79. Guinchard, Rufus
  80. Gyurki, Ed
  81. Hadley, Charlie
  82. Hadley, Ken
  83. Hamilton, Gerald
  84. Hamilton, Ian
  85. Harrington, Dennis
  86. Hayes, Jack
  87. Hebert, Brian
  88. Hepworth, Dave
  89. Hewgill, Ron
  90. Hicks, Ivan
  91. Hicks, Royal
  92. Higgins, Lorimer
  93. Hill, Reg
  94. Holmes, Kimberly
  95. Holmes, Skip
  96. Hruska, George
  97. Huchinson, Tom
  98. Huitema, Carly
  99. Hynes, Pat
  100. Inch, Allison
  101. Irving, Bill
  102. Isenor, Don
  103. Isenor,, Kimberly
  104. Jacob, Claude
  105. Jeffrey, Gordon
  106. Johnson, Matthew
  107. Johnstone, Rick
  108. Joyce, Chuck
  109. Joyce, Earnie
  110. Joudrey, Robert
  111. Kaye-Cheveldayoff, Ellen
  112. Kennedy, Carol,
  113. Kienlein, Kevin
  114. Knights, Ken
  115. Koss, Henry
  116. Krouse, Roy
  117. Kuhn, Diana-Lynn
  118. Kusturok, Pattie
  119. LaFrance, Robert
  120. Landeroute, Eugene
  121. Lanctot, Denis
  122. Lalonde, Bobby
  123. Landrey, Ned
  124. Langille, Harold
  125. Lapierre, Dean
  126. Lappin, Paul
  127. Larocque, Jacques
  128. Larson, Everett
  129. Leahy, Frank Jr.
  130. LeBlanc, Bonita
  131. LeBlanc, Donny
  132. Lederman, Anne
  133. Leduc, Germain
  134. Lefebvre, Melika
  135. Leifson, Eunice
  136. Lepine, Garry
  137. Logan, Kirk
  138. Lovell, Cy
  139. Loyer, Jean-Paul
  140. MacCormack, Dan
  141. MacDonald, Dan R.
  142. MacDonald, Georgina
  143. MacDonald, Howie,
  144. MacDonald, J. Francis
  145. MacDonald, Rod
  146. McGregor, Dale
  147. MacInnis, Bill Sr.
  148. MacInnis, Billy Jr.
  149. MacIntyre, Sandy
  150. MacIssac, Roddie
  151. MacKenzie, Hector
  152. McLellan, John A.
  153. MacLeod, Ian
  154. MacLeod, Sherryl
  155. MacMaster, Natalie
  156. McMillan, Roma
  157. McNaughton, Karl
  158. MacPhee, Doug
  159. MacPhee, Margaret
  160. Maddigan, Gaile
  161. McTavish, Jack
  162. Magee, Clayton
  163. Malcolm, Keith
  164. Mallette, Miche
  165. Manley, Cliff
  166. Meeks, Bill
  167. Meilleur, Marcel
  168. Messer, Don
  169. Methe, Claude
  170. Milne, Charlie
  171. Moore, Mark
  172. Morris, Eugene
  173. Morrison, Jim
  174. Morrison, Randy
  175. Mossman, Maureen
  176. Murdoch, Matilda
  177. Ness, John
  178. Nixon, James
  179. Nowosad, Boris
  180. Oberg, Hugo
  181. Olson, Jack
  182. Page, Viateur
  183. Pasowisty, Victor
  184. Pelletier, Conrad
  185. Perreault, Donny
  186. Pettigrew, Chris
  187. Pettigrew, Don
  188. Pickell, Brian
  189. Pizzaerillo, Gerry
  190. Plant, Bob
  191. Plante, Jean-Denis
  192. Plohman, Carl
  193. Plohman, Crystal
  194. Poirier, Lionel
  195. Prevost, Gaston
  196. Prosper, Wilfred
  197. Radu, Gordon
  198. Randle, Rob
  199. Ranger, Bob
  200. Rehberg, Thomas
  201. Riopel, Simon
  202. Robichaud, Angus
  203. Roger, Ken
  204. Rogers, Frank
  205. Romanuck, Cammy
  206. Ross, Keith
  207. Roy, Gaetan
  208. Rubin, Dan
  209. Russell, Kelly
  210. Sanyshyn, Mike
  211. Saundry, Bert
  212. Sawitsky, Karrnnel
  213. Sawrenko, Willie
  214. Scheller, Robert
  215. Schoolbraid, Murray
  216. Schroeder, Oliver
  217. Schryer, Louis
  218. Schryer, Pierre
  219. Scott, Hudson
  220. Sexsmith, Max
  221. Simpson, Winston
  222. Sklar, Brian
  223. Smith, Earl
  224. Smith, Eric
  225. Smith, Gerry
  226. Sonier, Ervan
  227. Spidle, Doran
  228. Steele, Cye
  229. Steeves, George
  230. Stobbe, Gordon
  231. Stubbert, Brenda
  232. Tattrie, Lloyd
  233. Theoret, Leopold
  234. Thomassin Adelard
  235. Thompson, Cindy
  236. Thompson, Todd
  237. Townsend, Eleanor
  238. Townsend, Graham
  239. Tree, Clarke
  240. Trottier, Kelly
  241. Truman, Norman
  242. Tully, Norman
  243. Turcotte, Andre
  244. Urquhart, Alex
  245. Verch, April
  246. Viau, Allen
  247. Vollrath, Calvin
  248. Wardle, Jessie
  249. Weir, David
  250. Welch, Lucas
  251. Whitcomb, Ed
  252. Wilson, Bruce
  253. Wilson, Cam
  254. Wilson, Keith
  255. Wolfe, Chad
  256. Wood, Bill
  257. Wood, Richard
  258. Woods, Scott
  259. Whynot, Donald
  260. Wright, Gordon
  261. Wright, Harold
  262. Zinck, St. Clair
Canadian Fiddle Music

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