267 Tunes
75 Composers
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91st at Modder
River, The &endash; aka 93rd march 21 Alex MacDonnell's
Favourite &endash; jig 73 Alex MacDougall's
Hornpipe &endash; played as
reel 48 Allan Cameron's
&endash; reel 58 Allan Gillis' Jig
&endash; jig 78 Allie Bennett's
&endash; jig 86 Allison's Reel
&endash; reel 16 Allister's
Mischief &endash; reel 15 Always Welcome
&endash; slow
air 107 Angie and Johnny
&endash; reel 6 Annie Mae
MacEachern's &endash; reel 54 Annie May's
Birthday &endash; jig 73 Archie Neil Emcee
&endash; jig 71 Aristotle's
Confession &endash; jig 78 Arthur Muise's
Visit to Point Cross &endash; reel 58 Artist's Touch,
The &endash; reel 49 Bay Road Valley
&endash; reel 17 Bessie's Reel
&endash; reel 38 Betty Muise's
Retirement March &endash; march 3 Bill Butler
March, The &endash; march 44 Bill Crawford's
Jig &endash; jig 66 Billy MacLeod's
Testimonial &endash; reel 23 Boisdale Trio,
The &endash; reel 27 Braes of
Dunvegan, The &endash; strathspey 29 Brucie and the
Troopers &endash; reel 55 Buddy Fraser's
Reel &endash; reel 2 Cabinet Meeting,
The &endash; jig 84 Campbells' March
&endash; march 54 Carter MacKenzie
&endash; reel 13 Casa Loma Castle
&endash; reel 20 Colin Grant
&endash; reel 23 Colin Rankin's
Strathspey &endash; strathspey 22 Compliments to
Annabelle &endash; strathspey 14 Compliments to
Bonnie Lass &endash; reel 24 Compliments to
Doug MacPhee &endash; strathspey 25 Constitution
Breakdown &endash; reel 54 Cork Screw Hazel,
The &endash; jig 92 Crarae
&endash; reel 38 Creignish Hills,
The &endash; reel 15 Dad's Reel
&endash; reel 42 Dallas' Jig
&endash; jig 71 Dan Hughie
MacEachern's March &endash; march 11 Dan Rory
MacDougall's Jig &endash; jig 87 Dan the Cobbler
&endash; jig 78 Danny Campbell's
Jig &endash; jig 82 Dara's Earwig
&endash; jig 89 Darlene
MacKenzie's Wedding &endash; reel 43 David Greenberg's
Inspiration &endash; strathspey 45 Disturber (The)
&endash; reel 31 Dòmhnull
Cléirach &endash; see The Neat
Shoe strahspey 32 Don Leo Rankin
&endash; reel 10 Donald Angus
Beaton &endash; strathspey 4 Donald MacIsaac's
Retirement &endash; jig 84 Donald MacLean's
Farewell to Oban &endash; march 4 Donaldson
MacLeod's Reel &endash; reel 2 Donnie and
Margaret Farewell &endash; reel 8 Dougall
MacDonald's Strathspey &endash; strathspey 20 Duchess of
Hamilton, The &endash; strathspey 129 Duke of Athole
(The) &endash; strathspey 16 Doug's Jig
&endash; jig 63 Duncan MacKay
Strathspey, The &endash; strathspey 40 Dwayne
Côté &endash; reel 19 East Meets West
&endash; reel 53 Eddy Rodgers Jig
&endash; jig 60 Elizabeths Waltz
&endash; waltz 105 Elmer Briand's
Jig &endash; jig 68 Engineer's Jig,
The &endash; jig 81 Ernest and Lorna
MacLeod &endash; hornpipe 14 Ewie with the
Crooked Horn &endash; strathspey 57 Farewell Auld
Fiddler &endash; slow
air 103 Father Eugene
Morris' &endash; jig 65 Father Hector's
Reel &endash; reel 13 Fiddle Dee Dee
&endash; reel 36 Field of
Bannockburn, The &endash; strathspey 58 Finnucane Visit,
The &endash; jig 97 Flora Canning's
Waltz &endash; waltz 101 Flo95wers of
Spring, The &endash; jig 96 Garmont Smiddy
&endash; reel 33 Gentleman
Fiddler, The &endash; slow
waltz 102 Gerhard Heintzman
Piano Reel, The &endash; reel 52 Gifted Fingers
&endash; reel 10 Gillan's Reel
&endash; reel 8 Glenlivet, The
&endash; strathspey 6 Glenn Graham's
Jig &endash; jig 91 Go to The Devil
and Shake &endash; jig 75 Goddess and the
Milkman, The &endash; march 26 Gordon and
Hazel's Strathspey &endash; strathspey 9 Gordon MacLean's
Piano &endash; jig 65 Grace MacKenzie
&endash; strathspey 5 Grackle, The
&endash; jig 84 Grand Etang
&endash; march 43 Grandma
Rose 102 Happy Jig, The
&endash; jig 78 Highland Classic
&endash; march 24 Highland Village
Day Jig &endash; jig 70 Hoch Hey Johnny
Lad &endash; strathspey 2 Hughie Shorty's
Reel #1 see Johnny Wilmot's Fancy . . reel 25 Hughie Shortys
Jig &endash; jig 94 Hunters Mountain
&endash; jig 94 Irish Hornpipe
&endash; hornpipe 30 Jacinta's Two
Step &endash; 108 Jackie I Hardly
Knew Ya &endash; jig 92 Jacqueline's Jig
&endash; jig 62 Jamie Gow -
Crathie Bellman's &endash; jig 93 Jane Wukitsch
&endash; jig 74 Jason and
Katherine's Wedding &endash; reel 37 Jennifer
MacDonald's Waltz - waltz 99 Jerry Holland's
Birthday &endash; jig 68 Jerry's Missing
No. 203 &endash; reel 52 Jessie MacKay
&endash; strathspey 45 Jig à
Jeanette &endash; jig 67 Jigging
&endash; jig 81 Jig of the
Twentys &endash; jig 74 Jim Carroll
&endash; jig 72 Joe and Margurite
MacLean's 40th &endash; jig 90 Joe Orem
&endash; reel 33 Joe Peter Maclean
&endash; milling
song 107 Joel Chiasson
&endash; reel 22 John Campbell's
Reel &endash; reel 37 John Donald
Cameron Reel, The &endash; reel 47 John McAllan
&endash; slow
air 106 Johnena's Cup of
Tea &endash; reel 42 Johnny Wilmot's
Fancy &endash; reel 25 Josie MacArthur's
Jig &endash; jig 76 Joys of Wedlock,
The &endash; jig 94 Julia Mackenzie
&endash; jig 69 Kay Dugas
&endash; reel 44 Keeper of
Delight, The &endash; reel 48 Kelly Jeanne's
&endash; jig 80 Kelsey McDonell's
&endash; jig 65 Keeper of
Delight, The - reel 48 Kenmore Lads
&endash; jig 95 Kenneth Christie
- Englishtown &endash; jig 62 Kimberly and
Greg's Reel &endash; reel 12 Kinnegad Slashers
&endash; jig 80 Kinnon Beaton's
Reel &endash; reel 3 Kolten
MacDonell's Graduation &endash; jig 77 Kyle MacKay's Jig
&endash; jig 91 Lady Carmichael
of Castle Craig &endash; strathspey 35 Lady Charlotte
Murray &endash; jig 82 Lady Dorethea
Stewart's Wedding &endash; jig 61 Lake Bras D'Or
&endash; march 30 Lament for John
Morris &endash; lament 106 Land of Sweet
Erin &endash; aka Kinnigad Slashers jig 80 Lawrence
MacDougall &endash; march 55 Lees of
Loncartie, The &endash; reel 55 Leona Beaton
&endash; jig 67 Lights Out at
Glencoe &endash; strathspey 23 Loma Linda
&endash; jig 97 Lord Banff
&endash; strathspey 36 Lord Kelly
&endash; strathspey 57 Lovat Scouts, The
&endash; march 7 Mabou Athletic
Club, The &endash; reel 53 MacDonald
Gathering, The &endash; march 28 MacDonald's
March, The &endash; march played as
reel 7 MacIntyre Ceilidh
&endash; hornpipe played
as a reel 26 MacKenzie Fraser
&endash; reel 34 Margaree Valley
Waltz &endash; waltz 101 Marie Maclellan's
Jig &endash; jig 76 Marthas Farewell
&endash; lament 107 Marquis of
Huntley Reel &endash; reel 9 Marquis of
Huntley's Snuff Mill &endash; slow
strathspey 46 Mary and Danny's
Strathspey &endash; strathspey 25 Mémère's
Birthday &endash; reel 10 Memories of Angus
Chisholm &endash; jig 75 Memories of
Charlie MacCuspic &endash; jig 88 Memories of
Donald Angus Beaton &endash; jig 60 Memories of
Father Charles MacDonald &endash; slow
air 104 Memories of
Georgie C. MacKenzie &endash; lament 104 Memories of Jack
Buchanan &endash; march 51 Memories of
Johnny Wilmot &endash; jig 90 Memories of Mary
Ann MacKenzie &endash; marching
air 103 Memories of Neil
Murphy &endash; lament 100 Memories of Sarah
and Dan Campbell &endash; lament 99 Michael A MacLean
Birthday &endash; march 1 Michael Rankin's
Reel &endash; reel 11 Mick's Jig
&endash; jig 89 Mike MacDonald's
Reel &endash; reel 43 Miracle at
Glencoe &endash; reel 18 Miss Forbes
Farewell to Banff &endash; march 52 Miss Graham
&endash; reel 30 Miss Grant of
Grant &endash; reel 45 Miss Jane Douglas
&endash; jig 93 Miss Jessy Scott
&endash; reel 31 Miss Muir
MacKenzie &endash; strathspey 40 Miss Stephanie
Marie MacLean &endash; reel 34 Miss Stewart -
Pittyvaich &endash; strathspey 50 Miss Stewart of
Garth &endash; reel 35 Miss Watt
&endash; reel 18 Mo Nighean Dubh
&endash; milling
song 100 Model T, The
&endash; jig 87 Mongrel, The
&endash; reel 57 Moon over St.
Anns Bay &endash; waltz 105 Mountain Ranger
&endash; hornpipe 38 Mr. Grant of
Glenquaich &endash; strathspey 34 Mrs. Campbells
Birthday &endash; lament 107 Murdoch
MacDougall's Birthday &endash; reel 20 My Aunt Denise
&endash; waltz 108 My Hope
&endash; strathspey 33 My Sister Karmie
&endash; jig 96 Nancy
&endash; march 32 Nanny Store's
Melody &endash; 102 Neat Shoe, The
&endash; strathspey 32 New House, The
&endash; reel 8 Nicholson Hall
&endash; jig 81 Niel Gow's Fiddle
&endash; strathspey 39 Nixie Legere
&endash; reel 47 Norman's Jig
&endash; jig 83 Paddy Wack
&endash; jig 95 Passion Flower
&endash; reel 50 Paul Stewart
Cranford &endash; reel 46 Peggy's Jig
&endash; jig 95 Penny Hill
&endash; jig 86 Perrie Werrie,
The &endash; reel 56 Peter's Jig
&endash; jig 70 Pipe Fitter's
Jig, The &endash; jig 89 Prince of Wales
Jig, The &endash; jig 64 Priscilla's Trip
to Teresa &endash; jig 66 Queensville Jig
&endash; jig 72 Raigmore House
&endash; reel 12 Randy Wife of
Greenlaw, The &endash; reel 28 Reith's Clarinet
&endash; strathspey 52 Remembering Marie
MacLellan &endash; march 35 Rev. Father John
Rankin &endash; march 16 Road to
Kingsville (The) &endash; strathspey 26 Robert Lorne
Fraser's Jig &endash; jig 84 Robin's Jig
&endash; jig 87 Rubbermaid
Collection,The &endash; reel 15 Running Uphill
&endash; hornpipe 56 Sadie (Carpenter)
MacDonald &endash; strathspey 26 Salute to Willie
Joe MacLellan &endash; jig 77 Sandy is My
Darling &endash; reel 18 Shari MacSchwartz
&endash; strathspey 17 Sheep Shanks
&endash; reel 5 Sheldon MacNeil's
Reel &endash; reel 56 Shenacadie Reel
&endash; reel 58 Shoneth's Reel
&endash; reel 29 Short Grass
&endash; jig 75 Silver Star, The
&endash; hornpipe played as a reel 50 Sir Reginald
MacDonald &endash; reel 9 Smiths Burn, The
&endash; reel 14 Space Available
&endash; march 49 Sticky D
&endash; reel 51 Storm Party
&endash; reel 41 Strong Man O'Drum
&endash; strathspey 29 Sydney Jig
&endash; jig 61 Tara Lynn's March
to God &endash; march 18 Ten Dollar
Fiddle, The &endash; reel 41 Teresa Gallants
&endash; waltz 108 Teresa's
Hospitality &endash; reel 13 The Engineer's
Jig &endash; jig 81 There Came a
Young Man &endash; jig 67 Train to Glasgow,
The - march 41 Trip to Inverness
Beach, The &endash; strathspey 51 Tudor Jig, The
&endash; jig 78 Tune for Ian and
Mac, A &endash; reel 17 Turn Around
&endash; strathspey 5 Twilight Star,
The see The Silver Star &endash; hornpipe 50 Vincent MacLean
the Step Dancer &endash; . . strathspey 31 Viscount
Reidhaven &endash; reel 46 Walter and Nora
May's Reel &endash; reel 36 Waltzing Your Way
Home &endash; waltz 109 Washabuck
'March', The &endash; strathspey 6 Wedderburn House
&endash; reel 39 Welcome Owen
Diack &endash; reel 12 Welcome Sara
Malaney &endash; strathspey 37 Whigs of Fife,
The &endash; reel 46 Wilfred Prosper
Jig, The &endash; jig 88 Winnie Chafe's
Favourite Ceilidh &endash; jig 64 Winston (Scotty)
Fitzgerald &endash; jig 82 Yankee Line, The
&endash; reel 47 Yester House
&endash; strathspey 17 Yorke Street
Strathspey &endash; strathspey 3
Cape Breton Fiddlers
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